Wood walks

Another early morning looking out for deer damage and planning tree thinning. The gardens are desperate for rain WOW and I really mean that. But never fear as the Plockton fire piles have began which means rain in the next 24 hours. Yes if you’re standing on the meadow and see smoke in the village it means one of two things: 1 the village is burning or 2 rain is on its way, you can just feel it growing in the air. To the burn pile for a little extra wood, I have to burn out a axe handle to replace the shaft. Shame the quad is still out of action as it would be good to collect all the piles from around the property burn next time.

With a Quick trip to the osteopath to get straighten out I’m back! Cut up piles of trees to get under cover before the rain begins. This is not the best thing to be doing straight after the osteopath – 11 trips later and the big wood is in the wood store. It has become a mess again, need to get on top this on a rainy day. Tired and sore that will do for today.


Sunny but rain could happen any time now


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