by Jkrisp | Jun 1, 2017 | Events, Keep things running, Walks
Its been a different kind of week here, a group of kids from the local high school have been here helping to clear back Rhododendron ponticum. It is pretty hard going work with the midges in full force. I have been trying to explain to them what the longterm plan is...
by Jkrisp | Mar 29, 2017 | Birds, Gardens, Walks
Clearing After a quick morning scramble to paint the new trailer before the rain came I headed off to the with my sythe in hand to clear the bramble between the boarder of Ian’s house and path that crosses the bottom of the main meadow leading to the woodland...
by Jkrisp | Mar 9, 2017 | Flowers, Gardens, Greenhouse, Walks
Wishful planting Today has been a day of seeds and planters. It started with some frustration trying to make two-bed frames in the polytunnel, but with a little more space I soon got both together and in place waiting to be filled with dirt. Meanwhile far off at the...
by Jkrisp | Mar 2, 2017 | Walks
Trees, deEr and plants Early morning, on the property before 8am planning out my day. Sorting through power issues in garage. Planted out the final few cherry trees today 4 up in the pond garden by the house and 2 down on Jimmy’s walk. I have moved some plants...
by Jkrisp | Feb 28, 2017 | Walks
No time Play technicals for lighting (our new volunteer job) today so have to get these trees in the ground. Was here early so had everything ready to go in the ground before making tea for the house. It’s an amazing thing working here in the sunshine planting...
by Jkrisp | Feb 28, 2017 | Walks
Rolling This morning I made my new measuring device so we can now plan the new path network. The paths are very wet under foot as it has snowed over night and drainage seems to be a big part of the problem. The grass paths just seem to get worse as they need time to...
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