As you may have noticed in our last post our whiteboard had a pretty big list of stuff to do so we are getting stuck in and trying to complete all the jobs before the weather turns.
Sadly we decided that the raised salad bed at the back of the house just was’t working. Although the back area does get a good bit of sun in the summer the bed didn’t get enough because it had to be close to the house so that it wasn’t in our way. It meant that most of the plant went to seed very quickly, a good experiment and the wood won’t go to waste but we need to take the remaining good plants out of the bed before we break it down.

Salvaging plants from the raised bed

Once the raised bed was down we weeded and cleaned the patio
The weeds had got pretty wild under the raised bed and all the pots that had gathered in the back so it was a fun job clearing it all out!
Meanwhile James discovered a blockage in the guttering!
We now have 3 strimmers which is brilliant cause it means that me, mum and James can all tackle the work at the same time and get it done! After the meadows are cut they are pretty rough around the edges so James and I headed out early one morning at went around the opposite edges of the lower meadow at the same time and had it done in a little over an hour. Then mum came out and did the edge of the first large meadow while I worked on the wedding meadow (ever since we had our wedding there it has gone by that name) James hit the little area right above the entrance of the drive which has become quite wild. Last year we planted out a huge amount of poppy and wild flower seed along the wall edge but nothing came up so after James strimmed this area he laid a strip of mypex and in the spring we will plant it out.
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