This morning I made my new measuring device so we can now plan the new path network. The paths are very wet under foot as it has snowed over night and drainage seems to be a big part of the problem. The grass paths just seem to get worse as they need time to recover but it feels like the season has kicked off already with 4 small groups before 11 am this morning.
Work on the cold frames and the greenhouse is really getting going fingers crossed this is the last of the bad weather but some how I don’t think so. Checking the new line of cherry trees in the front lawn is high on the agenda and also all the tree cages. Really missing the quad at the monument as we’re still waiting for parts and the sit on lawnmower is also not running. Piles of cleared honeysuckle and branches are needing to be taken to the burn pile but will have to wait for the quad.
Jane and I planned out where to put the cherry trees on the drive so I have dug holes for planting tomorrow. We began to clear the brambles from the fence line near Ian’s house and also dug holes for the sliver-birch in the same area. The path along the lower medow is getting really boggy again and needs more attention.
Cold morning (snow on ground) but brightened up
17 + 5 local
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