Soil at Rudha Mor

The majority of the soil at Rudha Mor is peaty and highly acidic which means that finding a variety of plants that thrive is here is a challenge. We also have come to the realisation that in order to grow vegetables here that we will need to create raised beds with...


Lovely clear day in this immensely beautiful land! Got lots of jobs done, chopped wood, pruned trees around the back of the house and cleared the house lawns and drive of leaves.  As the leaf blower had turned up today this meant that a job that took 8 hours last...


Working on moving soil from the end of the garage to the vegetable patch which means we can make raised beds and then a shelter can be built for the digger in the space created. We filled the bed which we grew potatoes in earlier this year with some of the soil and...


Collecting fire wood is a constant job and there are plenty of fallen trees around that need clearing so today started off with that job again. Not all of the work being done now is for winter, we are thinking forward to spring and have begun planting out 3000 bulbs...