This year Plockton Primary celebrated their first sports day at Rudah Mor! They needed a new venue at the last minute and we were happy to oblige. We still had the marquee up from the party and so we helped them to set up a track for the games with more bunting! Yet again we were blessed with fabulous weather. The parents organised wonderful baked goods which they served with tea and coffee, burgers and hotdogs fresh off the grill and ice cream from the local chippy. The games were thoroughly enjoyed by participants and observers alike with the parents taking part in a few of the games and bringing back memories of their days at school. A favourite game for everyone was the SPLASH where head teacher, Susan Galloway, took her turn to get a wet sponge in the face! Under the shade of the marquee there was face painting, glitter tattoos, pull the nail from the haystack, the bottle table and a raffle with some great prizes to wrap it all up.
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