13 April 2017

Started clearing Ponticum around two species rhododendron in the private house garden we can now see some of the terraced beds that had become hidden in the overgrowth. Serviced the strimmer in preparation for lawn maintenance. Noticed that the deer are back in...

7 April 2017

Planting Day After a quick tidy up after our BBQ from the night before I began moving plants that are garden ready or need to go into the cold frame from the polly tunnel.  It is amazing how much better the polly tunnel is holding heat since I added extra plastic...

11 April 2017

WETTER THAN WET Absolutely soaked to the core at Rudha Mor. The rain has not stopped since last night and water is flowing heavy through every ditch and still soaking the ground. Started off the day with the usual watering in the polly tunnel and greenhouse where...

10 April 2017

Sun and Showers The weather has been back and forth all day between rain clouds and sunshine. Sadly no rainbows to be seen. Myself and Richard watered the green house and polly tunnel and weeded parts of the veg garden. He’s has lots of questions and seems to...