by Jkrisp | Mar 20, 2019 | Flowers, Gardens, Seasons
It’s the first day of Spring so I thought I would document what was blooming on this day of 2019. Having such a hot (for Scotland) summer last year and another mild winter has had an effect on the growth of many of our favourite plants. We were all surprised to...
by Jkrisp | Feb 16, 2018 | Flowers, Gardens, Keep things running
The beds around the front of the house take a real beating in the wind and lately the wind has been wild! As an experiment I have decided to plant a low hedge around the bed under the front window to see if this will help protect the young plants as they...
by Jkrisp | Jan 29, 2018 | Flowers, Gardens, Keep things running
While the ever-changing wild weather continues outside there is plenty of work to do inside. A newly order flat pack bee-hive has arrived and needed assembling so I go busy with that while the wind rain and sleet whipped around. Unlike Ikea furniture this did...
by Jkrisp | Nov 20, 2017 | Flowers, Gardens, Seasons
We had a recently had a visitor who came to Rudha Mor and gave us some general advise and tips for the maintenance and development of the walk. As we were walking around she spotted a tree in the arboretum which looked a little unhealthy and she suggested that we cut...
by Jkrisp | Nov 11, 2017 | Flowers, Gardens, Keep things running
We started the week by finishing weeding the big bed at entrance to walk. Last year we dug up this whole bed and layered it like lasagna with cardboard, seaweed and compost. It was moderately successful but there were some spots where things didn’t grow so well...
by Jkrisp | Sep 19, 2017 | Flowers, Gardens, Keep things running
Sometime there is so much happening here we can’t even put it into sentences! Monday 8 am meeting to plan the week Both cars cleaned and washed Collected water lilies from down the road and weeded the pond for them Checked and dug out drain at the back of the...
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