by Jkrisp | Apr 12, 2017 | Flowers
Planting Day After a quick tidy up after our BBQ from the night before I began moving plants that are garden ready or need to go into the cold frame from the polly tunnel. It is amazing how much better the polly tunnel is holding heat since I added extra plastic...
by Jkrisp | Mar 9, 2017 | Flowers, Gardens, Greenhouse, Walks
Wishful planting Today has been a day of seeds and planters. It started with some frustration trying to make two-bed frames in the polytunnel, but with a little more space I soon got both together and in place waiting to be filled with dirt. Meanwhile far off at the...
by Jkrisp | Jan 27, 2017 | Flowers, Walks
Boom Weather Well for the second day of amazing weather, 13C by 10am, thank you. Into the greenhouse which needs much love as it’s just been waiting for some warmth. Potting things up that should of die months ago and increasing the size of others. Got my seeds...
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